Friday, April 20, 2012

What's the Weather Like

This past week we have been talking about different kinds of weather.  We have worked on a blowing activity, made a rainy day picture, painted storm clouds and made a weather spinner.  We have also enjoyed many wonderful books about weather. 

These are a few of our rainy weather projects that we made in class.

We made parachute people to test out the wind.
 The students had a blast with this. 
They were so excited that they were able to take them
homeand share with their parents. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Afternoon Class Takes A Trip To Jefferson County Park

The afternoon class went to Jefferson County Park at the end of March.  Despite the dreary weather, it stopped raining long enough for us to enjoy our time outside.  Therese had lots of great activities for us to enjoy.